My name is Sylvain Onofri. I am 40 years old and I created my eye protection brand in 2015 where I started working in the leisure shooting sectors as well as defense professionals.
In 2018 I renamed my brand "SkyGear" and after more than a year of testing in the ballistic sectors, the products were ready to invade the sports market as well and at the end of 2019, I returned as a priority, after 10 years of absence in the world of rowing, the sport that I practiced for 20 years.
The glasses have been tested by rowers from the French rowing team for over a year, in order to be re-evaluated and optimized following feedback from the athletes.
Since April 8, 2021, I have officially become the official supplier of National French Rowing Teams.
It's a real pleasure to be able to create my own designs. I make it a point of honor to always study as a priority the real eye protection and comfort before associating the aesthetics that can go with each product.
Whether in ballistics or sports.